Ministry Mission:
To help children discover and develop a living relationship with God.

Join us in Sunday School
Nursery: Children will participate in a bible lesson,
activities and games during class.
Classes are held in our Nursery.
Elementary Sunday School: Children will participate in
a bible lesson, activities and games during class.
Classes are held in our Education Hall.
Elementary: Children will participate in a bible lesson,
activities, music and games during class.
Classes are held in our Education Hall.

Children With Special Needs
We believe God has given us a wonderful and unique opportunity
to support families by providing a safe, loving, Christ-focused program
for special needs children while parent(s) and siblings attend worship,
Sunday School, and serve at Hickory Flat Church.
We put children first. Hickory Flat Church wants you to know that your child is safe with our workers and volunteers. We believe that a church should be a safe place for all children and youth. We have a Safe Sanctuary policy in place and all volunteers and staff who work with children submit to a background check and training.