Ministry Mission:
To provide an ideal environment for God to develop a living relationship with Jesus Christ in teenagers.
We take very seriously the privilege and responsibility of being in ministry to youth. Our vision of youth ministry is more than simply entertaining teenagers and more than solely reaching out to 6th through 12th graders. Instead, we emphasize opportunities for youth and adults to serve together in ministry to the world and to be leaders in ministry within the community of faith.

Our desire is for all youth—within our church family and throughout the community—to experience God’s love and grace, to know what it means to be a precious child of God, to discover and develop the gifts and grace which they bring to the work of the kingdom, to pursue holiness, and to live out God’s love in the world.
We will help that happen by providing faith environments – places and opportunities for God’s Holy Spirit to bring change and renewal into the lives of teenagers.

Join us Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 7:30pm!
Youth meets in the fellowship hall and participate in games, a time of teaching, and small groups.

Join us Sunday mornings from11:00am to12:00pm!
Youth meets in Trailer 1 for a time of community and Bible study. Snacks are provided!
- Wed, Mar 05Fellowship Hall
Sunday Mornings
Youth Grow Group in Admin Building from
11:15am - 12pm
This is a time for us to dive deeper into the word of God.
Wednesday Evenings
Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group – 6:00p-7:30pm every Wednesday.
Wednesday nights focus on fellowship for Jr. & Sr. High students. This is a time when friends can come together to play games, hang out, and worship together. Youth are encouraged to bring friends.